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Company Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
in Zürich
01.02.2025 Updated on: 07.02.2025
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG), the leading developer and manufacturer of advanced, efficient, and reliable test equipment for the evaluation of near- and far-field electromagnetic (EM) radiation, EM materials, and their applications, is currently seeking applicants for the post asRadiofrequency Metrology TechnicianSPEAG, together with its partner organizations Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT’IS), ZMT Zurich MedTech AG (ZMT), and TI Solutions AG (TI Solutions), form the Zurich43 alliance. Z43’s dedicated mission is to expand the knowledge and technology for the (i) characterization, optimization, and application of the EM near-field (ii) predictive modeling of interactions between physical agents and physiology in complex anatomies, and (iii) med...